Want to try chicken a new and different way?
Make a chicken roulade with your favourite ingredients.
We have chosen a goat cheese and herb chicken for this recipe, but you can put more or less anything from nuts, seeds, dried fruits, cheeses to spreads of different kinds in it.
1 chicken breast per 2 people
A good handful of mixed herbs and spinach, we used, parsley, oregano and basil
Creamy Goat Cheese to spread
Salt and pepper
Crisp bread (optional), crunched
Heat oven to 180 C (350 F).
Wash and dry herbs and spinach. Mix with oil in a food processor till smooth texture.
Put the chicken breast in a plastic bag and close it. With a rolling pin or other similar device, flatten the chicken breast evenly, taking care not to completely destroy it 🙂
You need to still be able to pick it up in one piece, so check while you are flattening it.
Place on a plate and spread the goat cheese all over the chicken. Spread the herb mixture over the goat cheese.
Roll the chicken together to a roulade, making sure the filling stays inside, so make it firm but not squished.
If you wish to coat your chicken with crunched crisp bread, roll the finished rolls in the crumbles now.
Heat a skillet on medium heat and add oil. Fry the chicken for a few minutes on one side, then flip and fry for another few minutes.
Place skillet in oven for 15-20 minutes while you prepare your sides.
Check that the chicken is cooked through by cutting the roulade in half. If it is still pink, give it a few more minutes.
Slice 1-2 cm pieces of the roulade and serve with wilted kale, oven roasted carrots and fresh salad.